European Commission Encourages Open Source Use Through FIWARE

European Commission Encourages Open Source Use Through FIWARE

FIWARE is thrilled to have been included in the recent European Commission report “Communication to the Commission – Open Source Software Strategy 2020 – 2023 – Think Open” as one of the major drivers helping to level the playing field for the use of open source...
Getting Started with micro-ROS: Core and Advanced Tutorials

Getting Started with micro-ROS: Core and Advanced Tutorials

micro-ROS is the robotic framework that bridges the gap between resource-constrained and larger processing units and robotic applications. It brings the ROS programming interfaces to these resource-constrained devices. With micro-ROS, microcontrollers can hereby be...
Connecting the Dots: Introduction to the micro-ROS Middleware

Connecting the Dots: Introduction to the micro-ROS Middleware

The contribution of micro-ROS goes beyond the integration and portability of ROS-based software to microcontrollers. This is where FIWARE comes into play. The FIWARE micro-ROS adapter makes robots interoperable with heterogeneous services, sensors, and devices from...