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A curated, Open Source framework of software platform components using a common API based around Context Data Management.

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FIWARE, the Open Source Platform for Our Smart Digital Future

A framework based around supplying a cornerstone function required in any smart solution: the need to manage context information, enabling to perform updates and bring access to context.

FIWARE, the Open Source Platform for Our Smart Digital Future

A framework based around supplying a cornerstone function required in any smart solution: the need to manage context information, enabling to perform updates and bring access to context.

FIWARE Open Source technology is used for developing Smart Solutions, Digital Twins and Data Spaces in several domains of digital transformation – shaping the world of tomorrow.

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i4Q – empowering industries with reliable data-driven decision-making capabilities

Noise monitoring: Remarkably less nighttime noise in Leuven’s smart city

Noise monitoring: Remarkably less nighttime noise in Leuven’s smart city

In Leuven the nightlife center is situated in the heart of the city, this results in disruptive nighttime noise for the residents. Funded by ‘Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)’ and by the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation, the noise monitoring solution was implemented to reduce the disruptive nighttime noises in the city streets.

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