ISTMOS: improving wine quality control through smart-storage

Aug 4, 2016Ecosystem, Smart Cities

ISTMOS is a young project, created in Greece and backed by ASN, a company founded in 2015 and specialized in the development of Web applications. The company has been designing, coordinating and monitoring several e-commerce platforms and maturing its expertise in the areas of business recommendation and matchmaking.
According to the current customer demand, ASN has also entered the market around the emerging IoT technologies, concentrating on sensor based monitoring and data analysis.

After meeting in a previous enterprise and noticing the potential for a good cooperation in a further venture, the idea for this new project arose and the team was assembled around it. With the support of the FInish Accelerator in the development of the technical area and the commercial plan, the team now encompasses and provides an interdisciplinary environment, within IT, management, business and agricultural background and long lasting experience with ICT applications for the agricultural sector.

Standing for wIne STorage MOnitoring System, ISTMOS has delivered a monitoring system for measuring and controlling the most critical parameters (temperature, humidity and luminosity) that may affect the quality of bottled wine during storage and until it reaches the final consumer.
ISTMOS solution has the ability for real-time data recording of the above-mentioned parameters and creates alerts when the conditions around the wine are violating a certain combination of pre-defined values. Next challenges in the development of the project include the delivery of reliable data through affordable electronic devices and the production of new smart alerting mechanisms, emerging not only in cases of exceeding critical thresholds but also by combining other factor such as time intervals and environmental values.

ASN decided to use FIWARE since it provides a rich variety of cloud based tools and services, which were needed for the creation and deployment of ISTMOS and, later, for the solution to start and to keep it running. They used a variety of GEs (Orion, CEP, SpagoBI) and the FIWARE Lab nodes and infrastructure to live test the service and improve its functionalities.

Now, ASN is moving the GEs to the Docker host infrastructure for ISTMOS. A further development is also planned, integrating a strong authentication functionality by adding and using KeyRock, AuthZForce and PEP Proxy Wilma Usage GEs. The data recording has been taking place using Orion from hardware stations equipped with several sensors, then feeding the data to CEP –which serves as an alerting mechanism based on specific rules– and presenting the data visually through SpagoBI graphs.

ISTMOS combine FIWARE GEs with the code deployed by ASN plus the ad-hoc hardware infrastructure that includes mini-computers, sensors and RFID antennas. This combination of software and hardware infrastructures that the project is presenting to collect environmental data affecting wine quality is reaching wineries as the main customers, at least at the present stage of the project. At the next stages, the solution will be aiming to logistics vendors, wholesalers and wine retailers.
A major customer benefit from ISTMOS is the acquirement of valuable information during wine storage, which is combined with external analytic data around the beverage composition and quality and a record-keeping of the wine inventory, all through a user-friendly desktop and mobile interface.
By acknowledging all these data, the clients can decide to which extent and time would be appropriate to use heating, cooling and humidity control systems, in order to save energy while they keep tracking of their products and performing the necessary actions, precisely when they are needed and always in order to preserve the product quality by optimizing the bottled wine storage process.

ISTMOS have already one pilot customer with the complete system installed and working. By this autumn the solution will be commercially available and ISTMOS will be ready to hit the market!

This is our story, which is yours?

FIWARE AT THE GCTC’16 – ANASTASIOS OIKONOMIDIS – ITSMOS’ solution in a Smart City Context from FIWARE on Vimeo.

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