The overall food system nearly reached the next strategic inflection point. IoT technology, data sharing and consumers’ demand for sustainable production methods are pushing limits. More than ever, agricultural production needs to deploy knowledge intensive farming practices and increase data sharing. Existing data exchange platforms need to become open data exchange ecosystems managing data owners’ consent and facilitate dynamic collaboration of stakeholders. This shall increase productivity and reduce food loss and waste of the circular food system from Farm2Fork.
FIWARE open-source software and agri-food data models are a cornerstone to facilitate this development. New sources of data can be made accessible, while decreasing effort for aggregating, processing, providing, and accessing data. This session is presenting different practical examples for data usage at the farm site and of partners collaborating along the food supply chain towards consumers helping them to learn about their choices.
The session will also summarise challenges and opportunities of the future of connected agriculture. This is specifically considering a technological perspective. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to meet colleagues from different sectors and business domains, aiming at building the foundation of the future data economy for food systems. This will offer the opportunity to learn about synergies considering the close integration of agriculture in smart villages as well as advanced food production and delivery systems that are at the heart of smart cities.
1. An overview of the scope and tools during in the FIWARE SmartAgriFood MSC – Andrea Cruciani, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, TeamDev
2. High and Very High spatial resolution crop monitoring indices from satellite images distribution using FIWARE technologies and smart data models – Gaetano Volpe, Chief Executive Officer, Latitudo 40
3. Combining earth observation data with ground IoT truth for advanced services – PixelTwins – Johann Hoffelner, Chief Scientific Officer, Linz Center of Mechatronics
4. Data from Farm to Table with FIWARE – Matic Serc, Chief Executive Officer, eVineyard
5. Data Spaces as enablers for an evolution of the Data Economy for Food Systems – Harald Sundmaeker, Senior Researcher, ATB Bremen
6. The Future of Connected Agriculture: challenges and opportunities – John Wood, Business Development Manager, Libelium