This year the security of the biggest American public event, Independence Day, in the city of Independence, Oregon (USA), was monitored by digital technology. TeamDev, member of the FIWARE Foundation, developed the Platform “WiseTown – Situation Room”, an event management system, based on FIWARE Tech. Thus, thanks to this technological ecosystem, the public administration and the citizens of Independence were monitored on-line to ensure the security of July 4th Celebration.
The innovative project, implemented by TeamDev and Independence, is one of the winners of the ambitious competition FIWARE GCTC Challenge 2017, that has the goal to replicate top smart solutions based on FIWARE in US cities. The competition brings together companies that possess technology powered by FIWARE, to foster creativity, invention, and entrepreneurship. The main goal is to transform an ordinary invention contest into an cutting edge tech.
Adopting the Event Management Platform – Situation Room to monitor Independence Day was a real challenge. The July 4th represents not only the celebration of the independence from Great Britain, it is also a day of family celebrations with picnics and barbecues, showing a great deal of emphasis on the American tradition of political freedom. The same importance of the event is given in the city of Independence. The public administration of the town underlines:
“We usually have a 3-4 day festival downtown with two nights of fireworks, lots of vendors, a carnival, parade and more.”
Even if Independence is a small town, a lot of people come for the event:
“It’s a classic small town American celebration – except we usually have many thousands of people, over 20,000 on the 4th. The town pretty much shuts down and all energy is focused on the festival.”

The 4th of July Celebration in the city of Independence.
This year the new tech represented for the city a new way of managing the security of the event. The centralized dashboard WiseTown Situation Room allowed the public administration of the Independence to keep under control every sensitive aspect of the Commemoration.

The team uses the dashboard WiseTown Situation Room to monitor the event

Situation Room Platform: georeferenced social media post
There are many opportunities for tech companies in smart cities, especially when it comes to helping public administration become more efficient. The administration of Independence is already evaluating of using the tech not only for the events but also for day-to-day city business:
“We see many aspects of WiseTown that could be useful in our day-to-day operations and for managing our other events. We will be meeting soon with our department heads to see where we might best be able to utilize WiseTown to make our operations more efficient.”
Discover more about Wisetown in the FIWARE Marketplace.