Learn, thanks to some videos that we have published on our Youtube channel, how to develop with FIWARE and how to use some of our generic enablers to build your own project. During the following weeks, we will share these videos and their transcriptions on our blog. Let's develop!
"Hey! I’m sure that as you’re watching this video, you’ll also be seeing a heap of banners and ads all around. However, did you know that you are a hundred and sixteen times more likely to survive a rattlesnake bite than to intentionally click on a mobile banner ad? In order to conform to new devices, marketing, which has constantly adapted to keeping up to date and offering state-of-the-art solutions has now gone a step further. That step is called Fonesense. With Fonesense, brand users become brand ambassadors. How? First, users select a brand they like, e.g. Drink; and once selected, they just keep using their phones as usual. But now, whenever they get a call or a message, what sounds is a brand melody or ad.
Wait a second! Why would users do that?
Once the call is over, they’re rewarded with exclusive content such as videos, ads, discounts and games. Users win, brands win.
How can you build an app like that with FIWARE? [CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE]
Orion Context Broker is the most intensively used generic enabler. It was implemented to respond in real time to the advertisers’ campaign and use this context to react to campaign performance. Thanks to input rules and constant and reciprocal updates, it allows campaign media to be optimized and user usage to be updated.
KeyRock Identity Manager allows security functionalities to be implemented, so that web services can be effectively protected. It’s not just simple, it will also make it simpler for you to control security.
The storing of files on the Cloud was implemented with the Context Storage generic enabler, thanks to which, once a campaign has been created, advertisers can upload media files and store URLs in a database where they can be made available to users. It saves time and effort and provides all the necessary storage expertise.
The Big Data Analysis generic enabler implements a functionality that allows you to analyze data uploaded from users’ devices through other generic enablers. Large amounts of data can be effectively and rapidly analyzed, and those analysis can be exported to, for example, create PDF reports, which will help with the marketing strategy.
Together, these generic enablers have facilitated the creation and operation of Fonesense.
FIWARE, ‘cause everything is easier when the technologies you need are already available on a Cloud computing environment.
FIWARE, open to everyone everywhere."