Our IoT team meets in Paris

Mar 23, 2013Smart Cities

One week ago all companies involved in the definition and devlopment of FI-WARE Internet of the Things enablers met in Orange premises in Paris.

Our meeting improved our architecture with the lessons learnt from Release 1 and updated strategies of the participating companies in order to ensure we create a consistent and future-proofed solution.

Besides the open architecture we went deep into the technical details of the enablers implementations, discussing interfaces, APIs and forthcoming proof-of-concepts to ensure the smooth synergic integration of all our components.

We did also have a challenging discussion on demos in future events (stay tuned!) and how to incorporate to our working solution new kind of devices and gateways including Open Hardware solutions that we know developers will love to play with.

Meanwhile we were busy with our exciting discussions and decisions, the city of Paris smiled at us with extremely nice snowed landscape of this breathtaking city. It was nice even when it meant some delays and one canceled flight. Fortunately we all got back to keep on 🙂










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