Call for Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects

Dec 11, 2015

The cross-cutting call ‘Smart and Sustainable Cities’ aims to bring cities, industry and citizens together. This will demonstrate solutions and business models that can be scaled up and replicated, and that will lead to measurable benefits in energy and resource efficiency, new markets and new jobs. The scope will include the creation of urban spaces powered by secure, affordable and clean energy, smart electro-mobility, smart tools and services, innovative nature-based solutions and showcasing economic viability.

One part of this call is dedicated to Smart Cities and Communities and focuses on demonstrating sustainable, cost-effective and replicable district-scale solutions at the intersection of energy, transport enabled by ICT. These solutions should integrate smart homes, energy efficiency measures, very high shares of renewables, smart grids, energy storage, electric vehicles and smart charging infrastructures, using latest generation ICT platforms (and infrastructure) based on open specifications. This should in turn, help to manage a successful transformation towards intelligent, user-driven and demand-oriented city infrastructure and services. The goal is to have a significant number of new lighthouse cities of all sizes all over Europe, in a very large number of Member States with various climatic and economical positions.

Each lighthouse city should prove interoperability between software modules to allow an effective management of components and information flows. To this end, and to ensure adaptability as new user requirements and technologies evolve, urban ICT platforms must be non-proprietary and based on open specifications, including the data structures and APIs.

This is a great opportunity for OASC cities and FIWARE community as FIWARE can clearly help to meet the goals.

Opening: 08 Dec 2015 – 60M € – Deadline 05 Apr 2016

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