The CloudiFacturing Programme to Distribute €735.000 to the European Industry

Jul 2, 2018

As part of the I4MS initiative, CloudiFacturing will invest up to €100.000 per application experiment in its first open call
Use cases in cloudification of production engineering for predictive digital manufacturing will be the target of this call for proposals

Jun 29th – As a Factories of the Future (FoF) project participating in I4MS (Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs) and with the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, CloudiFacturing will launch their First Open Call for application experiments with use cases in the context of cloudification of production engineering for predictive digital manufacturing with economic support for developing new ideas that will help develop SME’s to launch their products or processes into the future.

Use cases should simulate manufacturing processes or manufacturing tools; leverage factory data to learn from it and optimise manufacturing processes. The use cases need to be end-user driven (e.g. by manufacturing companies-SME’s in particular). It is expected that proposed use cases will involve small consortia (e.g. end users from the manufacturing sector, independent software vendors – ISV’s, engineering consultants, research organizations, HPC providers, Digital Innovation Hubs) and be cross-border.

The average funding for an experiment is expected to be 100K€ with maximum 60K€ for partners individually. The opening date will be the 1st. of July 2018 and the closing date will be on the 30th September 2018. The experiments will run for 12 months. More information will be published on the CloudiFacturing webpage before opening the call.

Participants will have the opportunity to investigate and gather experience with HPC/Cloud Computing technologies, exploit information discovered in factory data to improve processes and participation in the I4MS ecosystem (, among many others.

About CloudiFacturing

CloudiFacturing was launched in October 2017 and is a European Innovation Action in the framework of Factories of the Future and with the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme with the mission of optimizing production processes and producibility. To learn more visit

Media Contact: Olivia de Alba

About I4MS

I4MS is coordinated by Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation, FundingBox, Foreningen MADE, FIWARE Foundation EV, Danish Technological Institute and Axencia Galega de Innovación. Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union, Grant Agreement nº 768631

Silvia Valcarcel, Communication Executive of Mobile World Capital Barcelona

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