L4MS Launches its First Open Call for Cross-border Application Experiments

Sep 20, 2018

L4MS, the pan-European acceleration program for using robots in manufacturing industry, will distribute a total of €1.5million equity-free funding for mid-caps and SMEs.

Sep 20th – The European Project L4MS (Logistics for Manufacturing SME’s) is looking for European manufacturing SME’s and mid-caps to develop new, innovative solutions to boost their factory-floor logistic.

As a Factories of the Future (FoF) project participating in I4MS (ICT for Manufacturing SMEs) and with the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the aim of L4MS project is to reduce the installation cost and time of mobile robots by a factor of 10. It will enable inexpensive deployment of small and flexible logistics solutions requiring no infrastructure change, no production downtime and no in-house expertise. In addition to equity-free funding, the companies will receive extensive technological support from the L4MS network.

The best applicants with highest innovation potential will get access to: Matchmaking with system integrators and mobile robots manufactures, funding up to €250,000, state-of-the-art test environment within your region, mentoring for innovative business and service models, technology experts for adopting latest logistics automation solutions, training to re-skill workers and finance for scaling up the new business model.

The experiments selected will take part in a rigorous and personalised training programme using L4MS open industrial IoT platform called OPIL (Open Platform for Innovations in Logistics) to completely virtualize the intra-factory logistics automation and drastically accelerate the innovation process in this area.

Closing date: 30th November 2018

About L4MS

L4MS is co-funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 767642 and it runs under the umbrella of European Commission’s initiative “ICT for manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)”.

The objective of this project is to accelerate the automation of intra-factory logistics of SMEs. L4MS will completely digitalize logistics automation in factories allowing automation suppliers to develop and deploy logistics solutions 10 times faster and cheaper than the current price. L4MS opens the door for SMEs to utilize robotics and other advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtualization.

About I4MS

I4MS is coordinated by Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation, FundingBox, Foreningen MADE, FIWARE Foundation EV, Danish Technological Institute and Axencia Galega de Innovación.

Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union, Grant Agreement nº 768631

Silvia Valcarcel Communication
Executive of MWC Barcelona

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