FIWARE Webinars: NGSI-LD Concise Payloads and Merge Patch Operations - Developers (Core Context)

NGSI-LD payload formatsNormalized Simplified (Key-Value pairs) Concise Context broker operations and supported HTTP Methods in Orion-LD:GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH, PUT, OPTIONS PATCH Operations Deep Dive:Partial Update Merge Use of JSON Literal null Architectural Scenario FIWARE Ready Devices As NGSI-LD becomes more established, the needs of its user base become ever more diverse.

As NGSI-LD becomes more established, the needs of its user base become ever more diverse. Whether moving into data sharing or robotics, growing customer need dictates that context brokers must keep up with consumer demand and be able to offer prototypical versions of novel features for assessment and use.

The aim of this webinar is to showcase some experimental features of the Orion-LD context broker showing how its syntax, transports and endpoints can be adapted. These changes can then be contributed to the ETSI CIM committee for further discussion to achieve common operational consensus across brokers and specification changes made offering the potential to broaden the uptake of the official NGSI-LD API itself.

Learn how concise payloads and merge-patch updates have been provisionally integrated into the Orion-LD context broker providing an opportunity of innovation before standardization and how to start to use these new features and how to avoid incompatibility clashes against the solid core of the NGSI-LD standard.