- Overview - API Umbrella
- Basic PEP and PDP Functions
- Load Balancing
- Integration with Keyrock
- Statistics and Logs
- iSHARE and Attribute-based Access Control
Access and usage control guarantees the enforcement of data access and usage policies - such policies are defined as part of the terms and conditions when data resources and services are published or negotiated between providers and consumers. Once defined, the policies must be enforced using appropriate software tools. This webinar demonstrates the potential of using API Umbrella for access control across a FIWARE-based system.
API Umbrella is an open source API management tool incorporating both Policy Enforcement Point and Policy Decision Point functions which allows users to track and control API usage through API Keys and JSON Web Tokens. It also offers additional features such as rate limiting, API usage analytics and caching. During the webinar we will present the core functions of API umbrella and give examples on how to protect your APIs based on API Keys and tokens. Finally, we will introduce recent developments on how to manage API usage at the attribute level, based on iSHARE specifications.