Services: HOPU - FIWARE Expert certification

FIWARE expert certification is an 8-week training programme organized in 4 blocks. This means an intensive programme of 180 hours; including 60 hours online and 120 hours of individual activities to become a FIWARE Expert!

The course is organized in 4 blocks for 8 weeks; this means 2 weeks per block; where we will have every week 2 sessions online; plus individual work/activities offline. This means an intensive programme of 180 hours; including 60 hours online and 120 hours of individual activities to become a FIWARE Expert!

During every block, the organization planned is as follows:

Canarian companies selected in the framework of the FIMAC project (Spain) University of Alicante summer Bootcamp (Spain)

*Catalyst Awards Honorees 2019 - Green Electronic Council

*Vice Chair of the IEEE Communications Society

*Internet of Things Technical Committee

HOPU FIWARE Expert certification