Powered by FIWARE: Telefónica - Thinking Cities (Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Data Analytics,Data Handling,Internet of Things)

The Thinking Cities platform is an integral solution to support City services. It includes a series of modules that allow the acquisition, processing, storage, and distribution of data, on which several City Services, vertical IoT solutions, and Data Analytics can be implemented easily.

The Thinking Cities platform is an integral solution to support City services. It includes a series of modules that allow the acquisition, processing, storage, and distribution of data, on which several City Services, vertical IoT solutions,and Data Analytics can be implemented easily. This platform is based on the standards, and interfaces developed within the framework of the European FIWARE initiative

The functionality of Telefonica’s Thinking Cities platform focuses on the lifecycle of the data related to the service and aspects related to the client’s part. In this sense, four main groups of the case of use can be distinguished: Data insertion in the platform: acquisition of data from sensors and external systems to be stored on the platform. Data transformation in the platform: operations carried out in the platform with the data available to generate new data. Query of data of the platform - Visualization and extraction of data stored on the platform, either by end-users or by other modules. Sending data from the platform - Sending notifications or commands as a consequence of data entry on the platform or administrative tasks.

The main modules of this platform are:

1) IoT Agents. This component collects all the observations that come from the devices and transforms them into NGSi events available in the Context Broker. In this way, applications can consume information from observations from the devices and send commands (in the case of devices that support this functionality).

2) Context Broker (Orion) The Context Broker is a module that retrieves, maintains, and introduces context information within the platform. It is an implementation of the Generic Enabler Publish / Subscribe Context Broker defined in FIWARE, providing NGSI interfaces.

3) NGSI Data Adapter (Cygnus) Cygnus is the component that is responsible for processing the data sent by the Context Broker in its notification format and adapting them to the different sinks of the platform, such as MySQL, CKAN, Hadoop, or Mongo.

4) Open Data Portal (CKAN) CKAN is a tool for open data web portals. Facilitates the management and publication of data collections. It is widely used by national, regional and local governments, research centers and other organizations that accumulate large amounts of data.

5) Short-term historic (STH) Allows the storage of data processed by the Context Broker and allows its subsequent recovery both in the form of raw data and aggregated data.

6)Analytical database(ADB) Makes the data stored internally on the platform available to the presentation layer.

7)Business Intelligence (BI) Main part of the presentation layer.

8) Extract, Transform and Load information tools (ETL, ESB) Because there is data stored in external sources that have to be loaded in the platform, there are two modules in charge of obtaining information from these sources, transforming it into a format compatible with the platform and storing it in the different data sinks.

9) Complex Event Processor (CEP) Analyzes data coming from events in real-time, infers insights immediately and makes possible an instantaneous response to changing conditions.

10) Bid Data Analysis (Hadoop) Free code framework for the storage and large-scale processing of datasets in consumer hardware clusters.

11) Identity Manager, Policy Enforcement, Policy Administration (IDM&AUTH) Identity management, authentication and authorization scheme based on three main elements (IDM, PEP, and PAP/PDP).

12) Administration portal. The administration portal provides a user interface to facilitate certain operations of the platform such as the creation of services, sub services, and users as well as the administration of entities, devices, subscriptions, and rules of each one of the services discharged.

Awards associated with some of the projects developed like "VLCi" project (Ajuntament de Valencia), "Territorio Rural Inteligente" project (Junta de Castilla y León) and "Badajoz Es Más" project (Diputación de Badajoz):

2021 EnerTIC Awards 2021 - Categoria Smart Mobility: EDUSI LA MANGA 365

2020 EnerTIC Awards 2020 - Categoria Intelligent Territories: Smart Island Mallorca EnerTIC Awards 2020 - Categoria Smart Cities: Castellon Smart Villages

2019 EnerTIC Awards 2019 - Lanzarote Smart Island Reserva Inteligente de la Biosfera EnerTIC Awards 2019 - Categoria Smart IT Infrastructure: Sistema unificado de supervisión de infraestructura (SUSI) EnerTIC Awards 2019 - Vertical Green en Sector Agro 2.0 EnerTIC Awards 2019 - Categroia Smart Lighting: XPERIOT

2018: Comunicación elegida para el IV Congreso de Ciudades Inteligentes “Impulso VLCi: Despliegue IoT y Extensión del proyecto Valencia SmartCity” Premios IDC 2018 – Candidatura: “VLCi Project” EnerTIC Awards 2018 - Categoría Smart eGovernment: Territorio Rural Inteligente EnerTIC Awards 2018 - Categoría Smart Cities: Badajoz Es Más

2017: IX Premios Aslan, Servicios al Ciudadano (VLCi) Comunicación elegida para el III Congreso de Ciudades Inteligentes “Consolidación Proyecto VLCi en el marco de Valencia Ciudad Inteligente”

2016: IV Edición Premios EnerTIC, mejor proyecto (VLCi) IV Edición Premios EnerTIC, mejor proyecto SmartCities (VLCi) IV Edición Premios EnerTIC, mejor proyecto SmartSustainability (VLCi) Comunicación elegida para el II Congreso de Ciudades Inteligentes “Plataforma Valencia Ciudad Inteligente (Plataforma VLCi): primeros resultados”

2014-2015: Finalista premios CNIS, mejor proyecto Smart Cities (VLCi) Premio Noche de las Telecomunicaciones (Valencia), mejor proyecto innovador (VLCi) Comunicación elegida para el I Congreso de Ciudades Inteligentes “Estrategia Valencia Ciudad Inteligente (VLCi) y Plataforma VLCi basada en Fi-Ware” Premios SOCINFO Comunidad Valenciana, Mejor proyecto SmartCities (VLCi)

Telefónica Thinking Cities