Powered by FIWARE: TeamDev - WiseTown Situation Room (Big Data,Cloud Computing,Communication Networks,Data Analytics,Internet of Things)

WiseTown Situation Room is a platform for the management of events and emergencies in an urban context. The tool collects the data produced by the city and displays it through a dashboard that ensures immediate analysis and response.

WiseTown Situation Room responds to the need for administrations to monitor city events, mobility flows and emergency situations in real-time, with the aim of safely managing urban dynamics. The basis of the WiseTown platform is the huge amount of data produced by the monitored phenomena.

The data collected comes from various sources: video surveillance systems, dedicated apps, IoT sensor data, video cameras, the web, geo-referenced social data and more. The control room collects and aggregates the “situation” data and uses them as tools to make and implement operational decisions in a short time.

The data is then displayed in a single dashboard in which the central element is the map of the area, complemented by information boxes, media streams and customized statistics. The dashboard provides a visualization of the data that ensures immediate analysis and response.

The control of an event or an emergency situation in a city requires a great deal of energy and resources for a public administration. It requires a large amount of field staff, adequate tools, and a budget; a control room for Smart City allows an effective and sustainable remote monitoring.

Public Administration, Cities, Energy Utilities, Smart Water, Public Safety Industries, Natural Resource Management

TeamDev WiseTown Situation Room