Powered by FIWARE: TeamDev - WiseTown Open Data Manager (Cloud Computing,Data Analytics,Data Handling,Open Data,Service Architectures)

WiseTown Open Data Manager searches and aggregates data on customizable criteria to produce Open Data catalogs for the Smart City. WiseTown software makes Public Administration data a common good, anonymous and GDPR compliant.

WiseTown Open Data Manager searches and aggregates data on customizable criteria to produce Open Data catalogs for the Smart City in line with GDPR regulations and ready for publication via links in public and non-public portals. It has three levels of security: the first stores the complete data, the second preserves the data by deleting some information, the third contains the original data cleaned of all non-disclosable information. The third level is the right tool to create Open Data catalogs to be published in public portals.

The information related to the data produced every day in a city is an enormous value for the public administration and a source of transparency that allows the involvement of citizens and correct information. For this to happen, it is essential to adopt a digital system that intervenes on the quality of the data collected, on the integration of sources, on the automation of updates, setting up an organic system of Open Data management.

Public Administration, Cities

TeamDev WiseTown Open Data Manager