Powered by FIWARE: TeamDev - WiseTown Issue Manager (Big Data,Communication Networks,Data Handling,Mobility and Location,Software as a Service)

WiseTown Issue Manager is a digital system that enables citizens to support the city government by reporting city issues; at the same time it simplifies the internal workflow of the public administration by automating processes and improving the work of the operators

WiseTown Issue Manager is the digital system that creates a direct link between the municipal administration and citizens. The module consists of two main elements: a reporting tool for citizens and a workflow management software for reporting by the public administration.

On the citizen’s side, WiseTown Issue Manager is a smartphone app – available for both IOS and Android – through which they can report problems in the city to their administration: breakdowns, malfunctions, damaged goods and so on. The report of the criticality generates a task to be assigned to the right department of the administration.

On the Public Administration side, WiseTown Issue Manager is a report management software that simplifies collection and automates internal management by improving staff workflow. Each issue generated by the report is converted into a task and assigned. The fully automated process avoids the use of additional resources for sorting reports, optimizes response times to critical issues, facilitates the planning of interventions and provides immediate feedback to the citizen.

The lack of resources and staff means that the administration is unable to monitor every place at all times and then to act quickly in case of critical issues: this breaks the relationship of trust with citizens. Moreover, reports from citizens, if not optimally managed, represent an obstacle to the ordinary work of the operators.

Public Administration, Cities, Energy Utilities, Smart Water, Public Safety Industries, Natural Resource Management

TeamDev WiseTown Issue Manager