Powered by FIWARE: Profirator - lakes.profi.space (Internet of Things)

Lakes is the Smart City IoT platform you can get started in minutes. Try before you buy with 0€ and no credit card information. Profirator offers a hosted version of their Smart City IoT platform for you to try. Free community support is included!

Smart city platforms are complicated technical constructs. Our goal is to make smart cities as approachable as possible. If you are interested in trying out a platform, it has been challenging in the past. lakes.profi.space offers fast and easy access to a FIWARE-based Smart City IoT platform without tendering and lengthy technical setups. Expert help is available via our chat support, and Documentation with tutorial videos gives you a good grasp of the possibilities. We can arrange an online meeting to support and understand any specific requirements you may have. By trying and using lakes.profi.space, there is no need to worry about budgets and timelines. It takes only a few minutes to sign-up and get exploring. The platform runs on the same basics as we have deployed to our customers, and in addition, we rely on Gitlab and Kubernetes to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Our goal is to make smart cities as approachable as possible. You can quickly determine the value and possibilities by testing out basic functionality and integrations without the extensive time and money-consuming commitment. Our platform is designed to cater to all clientele, but we believe lakes.profi.space as a service makes the most sense for small and medium-sized cities and communities.

Vienna, Austria. Paderborn, Germany. Kiel-region, Germany. Tampere, Finland. HSL, Finland.

Profirator lakes.profi.space