Powered by FIWARE: MOVISAT - EcoSAT (Artificial Intelligence,Data Analytics,Sensory Systems,Software as a Service)

EcoSAT is a modular vertical platform specialized in environmental municipal services. Its aim is the planning, management, and certification of the activities done by vehicles and people working on different urban services.

MOVISAT has developed a technological solution which integrates all the agents involved in the environmental services - Public Administration, Concessionaire Companies and Citizens - into a single platform, guaranteeing the optimization of the service.

EcoSAT is an intelligent solution for planning, managing and controlling urban services, integrating specific modules to manage the organic waste collection, report incidents and audit service quality, optimize containerization and waste collection routes or facilitate participation in composting, recycling or reusing initiatives.

In addition, we have all the necessary field solutions to integrate vehicles, machinery and urban furniture with the platform, guaranteeing perfect traceability through the installation of GPS, activity sensors that guarantee effective work, antennas and RFID readers, weighing scales, filling sensors for measuring the level information to plan the most efficient routes or IoT locks which recordes container opening and use information.

Public Administration should implement a digital transformation of Public Environmental Services to convert them into a sustainable and participatory model, which reduces the waste generated and the cost of the service through the incorporation of new collecting fractions and more efficient control systems, enabling an optimal planning of the available resources.

In the last 25 years, MOVISAT has developed and implemented more than 1.000 projects all over Spain.

Some examples: