Powered by FIWARE: Línea Ciudadana - Línea Ciudadana (Internet of Things,Open Data)

A platform for management, communication, and citizen participation, as well as a self-managing mobile platform that brings the public administration closer to the citizen with a simple and effective tool.

Línea Ciudadana brings the public administration closer to the citizens with a simple and effective tool. The pillars of Línea Ciudadana's Smart City solution include facilitating governance through support for constructive leadership and sustainability, facilitating citizen participation and democratizing cities, implementing technology with the functionalities that allow the interaction of people, and improving the quality of life of citizens.

Today’s mobile devices allow us to create applications that are very useful for a municipality, offering participative, tourist, informative, management capacities, and more. These are some of the features and benefits we can offer via app + Cloud service Línea Ciudadana:

We are an organization that, with the help of technology, collaborates with the cities supporting their authorities to develop strategies that give pragmatic answers to the voice of the citizens, allowing: "Participation and two-way communication with public managers".

Línea Ciudadana Línea Ciudadana