Powered by FIWARE: Agricolus srl - Agrigateways (Cloud Computing,Data Analytics,Data Handling,Internet of Things)

Agrigateway is a suite of open-source cloud applications based on FIWARE agrifood technologies. Designed for farmers, agronomists and agricultural consortia, it ensures interoperability between a wide range of agritech hardware solutions, available on the market and provided by different vendors.

Using FIWARE Context Broker, Agrigateway is a rich suite of complementary open-source FIWARE Generic Enablers. It is made up of two modules: the first is Agri Weather Gateway, a module designed to integrate weather stations from a wide variety of meteo stations. It allows aggregation and visualization of weather data for farmers and cooperatives that need more in-depth analysis. The second is Agri Contractor Gateways, a module that enables the collection and display of data from agricultural machinery via CANBUS and ISOBUS technology.

Through Agrigateways we support farmers, agronomists and agricultural consortia in several ways:

This product has some major interests:

The developed product aims to fill a gap in the market. This kind of product is more than welcomed by the Public Administration and by platform producers to simplify access to this kind of data.

This idea starts from a common need expressed by two of these platforms, Agricolus and 365FarmNet, that meet in the IOF2020 ecosystem and are recognized as a common benefit to run a joint effort to build this GE. Both companies recognized FIWARE as the natural architecture to choose for this kind of development.

Agrigateways is designed for farmers, agronomists and agricultural consortia and government departments.

Agricolus srl Agrigateways